Extended Mesh Display

Extended Mesh DIsplay System

  • Rez, inser Picture Here -

Core Features

  • Four Font Sets using 20x20 texture grid
  • Seperate App / icon Glyph sheet holds 400 glyphs with coordinate system
  • Addressable 8-character columns with background colors and rewritable descriptions.
  • Collapsing rows for when you don't need all of the display lines.

Clear Screen

Hide Rows

Render Text

  • Rez, put actual code here

Column Mode 0 - Whole Line 1 - Column A 2 - Column B 3 - Column C 4 - Columns A+B 5 - Columns B+C

Line 0 - 9 (if you don't add more)

Font Mode 0 - 3

Text Color

**Background Color** **Text String** string **Buttons** [LIST, One Entry Per Column]